about me

personal stuff
day of birth 7th august 1966
size 1,76m
weight 64kg (anger and hate increases your weight...)
languages german (native), english (not studied)
school education secondary school
job interests pc hardware, networking (no practice yet)
computers vz200, ti-99 4/a, cpc464, schneider pc1512, 80386, 80486, pentium
self description oldskool scener
in scene since late 1992
group affinity (since april 2006)
scene relation ex-sysop, demoshow presenter, other stuff (radio...)
scene networks fidonet (mod demo.ger), gsn (german host for some month)
parties I asm93+94+96, tg95, nexus95, wired95+96, tp95, mekka96, marast05
parties II meksym: all except 98, evoke + tum: all except 05, dialogos99+2k+01
parties III uc4+uc5+uc6, bsm01+04, breakpoint03+04+06, symphony03+04+05
demos dope, contrast, inside, 303, sunflower, plastik, mikrostrange, vip2, variform
intros nation 0, tgr2, andalucia, drain, pager-11, stash, hplus, gcube, heaven 7
music trance/ambient, jean-michel jarre, depeche mode, dire straits, pink floyd
movies the abyss, star wars, james bond, strange days, noah's arc principle
people sceners, people with social competence
misc friendship, honesty
economy uncontrolled capitalism, companies which don't care about workers
economy globalization - the only winners are a few very big companies
society arrogance, vanity, ignorance, social incompetence (also from sceners)
compromises the result is mostly dissatisfaction
politicians working only for their own benefit, not interested in normal people
music music industry products like bro'sis, no angels or britney spears
country usa - to much power to a country which don't cares about anything
country israel - they forgot that also palestinians have a right to live
misc the attempt to commercialize anything which promises money