scene news

(no longer updated, see index page!)
- assembly 2007 brought definitly some very nice 4k intros. get the intro 'stiletto' by rgba and the winning intro 'candystall' by pittsburgh stallers & loonies from the download page but check also the others! the 64k compo was especially for a party like assembly poor, nothing really good. the best release in the democompo was made by asd and you should be sure to get their new (and winning) killer demo lifeforce. the biggest demo in the compo was with nearly 58mb (packed!) the co-op demo media error by fairlight, cncd & orange. there was no amiga demo in the compo but a number of demos for the xbox 360 console (one by synesthetics).
- asd have made an unique demo called 'beyond the walls of eryx' for the intel demo compo (this year more than only 30 seconds were allowed). get it and enjoy (my video)! you might also like the relaxed demo hofn by xplsv!
- ümlaüt design have released a good 64k intro called 'träsh' which won the compo at scenecon 2007. get it from the download page!
- traction have won this years simulaatio party with a nice and clean looking 3d demo called tengomenas. for full enjoyment you should have 3d glasses at hand!
- if you like cute intros and chiptunes then you should have a look at the outline 2007 invitation (final version) by orb.
- bitjam radio, the webradio project by bitfellas, becomes more weight while more and more tunes are added. click here for more info and tune in to some nice scene music (mp3 or ogg vorbis stream).
- breakpoint 2007 is over. alcatraz made with 'sprite-o-mat' a really good 4k-intro, get it from the download page (needs d3dx9_32.dll)! chorus + resource made a c64 version of the amiga demo 'desert dream' which won the c64 compo. scene.org awards are over and the demos 'starstruck' (best graphics + direction) and '1995' (best soundtrack + public choice) were big winners. the best intros in the pc 64k-compo are coming from brain control (phantom eye syndrome, video available) and clrsrc (pahorek), get them both from the download page! farbrausch are definitly back at the top (and compo winner)! why? well, just get their 177kb demo called fr-041: debris since you must see it to believe it! you will surely also have a look at the demos
fairytale by traction + brainstorm and above by lkcc + bauknecht. the amiga group andromeda made with 'noumenon' a very good pc demo. madwizards won the amiga compo with a demo called senzala and this time it's no ppc demo. tbl rocked the wild compo with their playstation portable demo 'suicide barbie' (video).
- the gathering 2007 is over and outracks have made once again a very good demo. the demo is called 'gamma', it won the compo and you can get it here. get the winning intro 'mupé' by playpsyco from the download page!
- matt current have released a very good demo called 'gorgonzola' which won the compo at the numerica artparty 2007. get it when you want to know what they can do in just one day (needs ps 2.0).
- outracks have released a very nice looking invitation demo called 'still puzzled?'. it's the invitation for the gathering 2007 and won the democompo at digilab 2007.
- the visitors at icons 2007 could see some quite interesting demos. farbrausch won the demo compo with a demo called 828 but somehow this looks and sounds to abstract for me (video already available). adapt made a very nice demo called 'constant glow' which features also a really good soundtrack. get it here. the traction demo 'vox dei' was disqualified (did not run on compo machine) but runs quite good on my old hardware. it looks and sounds different each time you start it.
- as usual the new year begins with the releases from the textmode democompo. the 9th edition offers less releases than usual but imo with a better quality. you should watch especially the demos somnium by paulius and carbon monoxide by hedelmae but also the other demos aren't bad.
- f0x has released a nice and interesting looking new year intro called '2d destruction kit', get it here.
- tum*06 was a very nice party. read more about it in my report and get the winning 64k intro from the download page.
- after four years of waiting volume 2 of mindcandy is finally available, atleast from the maz-sound page. the dvd features 30 of the best amiga demos and will please you with the best possible quality. if you are still not sure then just read my review. the dvd is available as pal or ntsc version, the price is 15 euro + shipping.
- after several weeks of downtime due to a hdd crash nectarine and ojuice are back online. the music stream was already available but now also the 'rest' of the functionality returns step by step.
- there were some nice releases at this years kindergarden party. traction won with a solid demo called iconolatry. brainstorm made an imo clearly underrated demo called Solaris - Kiss Our ASSembler. both demos are running with older hardware.
- asd and four other demogroups which were selected by xxx^haujobb participated in an intel short demo compo. get the video of lithography. another pretty good demo with a submarine explosion came from mfx (video).
- loonies have released an excellent 4k intro called 'fallty' which made the 3rd place at meltdown 2006. get it from the download page or get the video if you have no ps 3.0 capable gfx adapter!
- minas^calodox has released a kickass 4k intro called 'parazonantikum' which won the 4k compo at main 2006. get it from the download page when you have the right hardware!
- asd have released a new kickin' demo called 'the evolution of vision' at sundown 2006 where it won the compo. get it here! if you like it mellow then you should also get the nice looking demo mudballs by xplsv which made the 2nd place.
- first it was a rumour but now it's a fact that tomcat^mawi was arrested after riots against the government in budapest. according to his girlfriend he is accused of damaging the whole russian monument which was build after the liberation of budapest in 1945. sounds atleast pretty questionable that one person alone can destroy a massive monument.
update: tomcat could leave the prison after one week but stays under house custody until the court trial.
- traction won the democompo at stream 2006 with a very nice new demo called 'onwards'. get it now when you have a ps 2.0 capable gfx adapter! you should also have a look at the multiplatform demo rajut hevit by wamma. runs nicely on older hardware :)
- chaos construction 2006 is over and crolyx won the democompo with an impressive demo called 'my own bullet of autumn', get it here. the winning intro by attempt of suicide can be found on the download page!
- symphony 2006 was probably a very small party but atleast with a very good demo by addict called 'project 2501'. so don't wait longer and get it here.
- if you like it the oldschool way then you should watch the brainstorm releases from this years buenzli party. this link for the demo 'old's cool' and this for the 64k intro 'any color' (final). runs nicely on old(skool) hardware :-)
- not really scene news but after more than 10 years i have to say 'goodbye' to my good old gus since it doesn't works longer. thank you to advanced gravis for this superior soundcard with that i have enjoyed countless hours of scene music (what are classic dos intros worth without a gus?). always remember: good soundcards are red :-)
- evoke 2006 was a really nice party, more about it in my report. the winning 64k intro by kakiarts is available on the download page and you should also check the winning demo bei neuro (linux, a first win32 port by gargaj is already available).
- tomcat^mawi and grass^cdi have released the second volume of 'freax' which is dedicated to demoscene graphics of all types and from all platforms. you can expect more than 1600 graphics on 286 pages. with a quick order at the go64 site you can save 5 euro. after the 15th august you have to pay the regular price of 30 euro. again not cheap but from persons with a deep knowledge about the scene.
- if you like oldschool music and chiptunes then plopbox is for you. instantly after page loading the music begins to play (when java is installed). let it play like a webradio or create your own playlist. if your favorite tune is missing yet then just submit it. many classic tracks are already available.
- at this page you can download the first 'open movie' called 'elephants dream', a high class animated short movie about two people in a surreal world full with strange machines. the special thing is that it was made completly with open source tools under the creative commons license. so you can't only download the movie for free but also all productions files. or you can support the project by ordering the dvd set.
- all dos releases by matrix are now available as windows ports. shash^collapse has ported the two intros gcube and luxo and updated the windows port of the fulcrum. get them all!
- after 11 successful years there will be no scene event (until 1999: summer encounter) this year, so no traditional outdoor fun and camping in denmark. official reason for the cancellation is lack of organizers. if you think that you can help then contact the organizers.
- the dosbox project has made a good step forward. the version 0.65 is now able to run truecolor demos, has a proper working mt32 emulation and you can make video captures. just give it a try!
- after nearly 9 years there is a windows port of the great dos demo 'psygazer' by xevius productions available. so don't wait longer and get it!
- for fans of the good old c64 there is now a demo dvd with some of the best c64 demos available. meet the family is its name and it contains of course classic stuff like 'second reality' by smash designs or 'deus ex machina' by crest & oxyron. the price is with just 7 euro very moderate.
- texmex has released a windows port of the very nice dos demo 'kiulu' which won originally at plutonium '99. you can get it here.
- realtech have released a demopack called realtech: realoaded with windows (32 + 64bit) and macos 10.3+ ports of all their classic dos demos like dimension, countdown, aquaphobia or 6th sense. it's not just a 1:1 conversion but makes full use of the hw acceleration (directx 9.0c or opengl). it seems that it's running better when using opengl, but try it for yourself. additionally you can play the music with the built-in music player or activate a benchmark mode. the 'deleted scenes' submenu contains some more demos which are not included in the main menu.
- after several years of development version 1.0 of the amiga emulator winuae is available for download. one personal feeling is that the sync problems with the tbl demo 'silkcut' are now much smaller. so don't wait longer and get it!
- farbrausch have released a new useful tool which allows you easily to make video captures from demos. just try .kkapture for yourself. read the homepage since there is actually no documentation in the binary package. i have just tried it with the 4k intro 'san angeles observation' and i'm pretty impressed. in general your machine should be fast or you have to wait quite long for the video.
- if you are interested in c64 stuff then you probably know how c64 music sounds usually. with 're/struction' there is now a 100% not typical musicdisk by fairlight available. the style is probably best described with minimal and not only electronic music lovers should give it a try!
- the new demoscene information page demoscene.info is now open for the public. the target group for these pages are mainly non-sceners and in general interested people. the site is maintained by the german demoscene organization 'digitale kultur e.v.'
- the singapore based group waterlogic has rediscovered their demoscene history. as a result they have released a windows friendly version of their famous demo 'devotion'. you can get it here. the used emulator (wrapper) by malc is also able to run the dos demos 'tribes' (also the final version), 'sunflower' and '303'.
- browsing the www with the good old c64? yes, it's possible! all you need is an ethernet cartridge and the software contiki, a 42k small binary which makes your c64 to an internet machine. as you can see, nearly everything can be done with this 20 year old computer! :-)
- thanks to rociek the demo 'zilog', sunflowers masterpiece from the late dos era, is now available for windows. download it and enjoy!
- another classic dos demo is now available for windows. the group threepixels has ported the demo 'despair' by iguana, so don't wait longer and get it!
- the new version of the gus emulator (gusemu32) for windows is now available. besides some fixes there is now also a 'run with gusemu' option available (similar to the 'run with' option in the vdmsound project) so that it's easier than ever to run demos and intros with gus sound.
- the pulse demo 'square', another masterpiece from the dos era, is now available for windows. statix/acme made the port and you can get it here!
also the tpolm demo 'te-2rb' is now available for windows, you can get this excellent piece from their homepage!
- visualice/haujobb has opened his private homepage with several examples of his handdrawn and photoshop graphics. he was responsible for the look of the most haujobb demos. if you like his style then follow this link!
- am 6.mai 2002 gab es in der c-base in berlin-mitte die erste demoshow für ein allgemeines publikum. gezeigt wurden 24 top-demos/intros von 1993 bis 2002 und der zuspruch war mehr als zufriedenstellend, nach zwei weiteren shows gibt es momentan allerdings eine längere pause.
- if you are searching for modules from classic demos (mostly msdos and amiga) then you should check phoenix' page called demodulate. the site is now hosted by scene.org and it's still growing.
- version 3 of slengpung, the sceners picture library, is now online. the site is re-designed and there are several new features, so try it for yourself!
- ok, after a very long time (at least faster than the still missing photo report by sanction ;-)) i have made a new (english!) report about the worst party ever held on german ground: nexus '95 - read the shocking truth!
- am mittwoch, dem 27.6.2001 war es soweit: erstmals wurde auf einer populären deutschen radiostation über die demoszene gesprochen. von 22 bis 1 uhr gab es im rahmen des ccc chaosradio viel information über die entstehung der demoszene, ihre entwicklung, ihre parties und natürlich auch jede menge musik von szenern zu hören. übertragen wurde das ganze vom sender fritz, zu hören in berlin-brandenburg. der geplante mp3-stream mußte leider ausfallen, aber hier gibt es nun die sendung als mp3 zum download.
wayfinder und meine wenigkeit sorgten dafür, das die sendung nicht auf giga-niveau abrutschte!
und hier gibt's noch was zum lachen!
- there are many demos available, but not all are worth downloading. a quite good help for finding the best ones is the demo database demoo from calodox. you will find screenshots and the authors rating for many demos and of course a download link.
- the hornet archive, biggest pc demoscene archive, is closing. without this archive the pc demoscene would definitly not be like it is today. click this for the final words from christopher g. mann